
Saturday, September 22, 2012


Hello to anyone out there who may be reading this blog!  I want to be upfront with you about one big thing:  I am writing this blog for me!  I have a tendency to start blogs when going through an important stage in my life.  When planning my wedding, I started a wedding blog.  When my hubs and I bought our first home, I started a craft/design blog.  And while I still have a love for both of those subjects, and could endlessly post about both topics, I always seem to run out of steam.  Blogging becomes a job instead of a hobby, and well, I already have one low-paying job (teaching junior high) and I can't really fit in another!

But I want this blog to be different.  If you've done the math, I've been through the wedding phase, the first home buying phase, and have moved on to the next logical stop: the baby phase.  This phase is different from the others in that it is hard to talk about it with others without hearing lots of different opinions and unsolicited advice.  And you know, a baby is like, kind of permanent--and a huge decision.  Needless to say, as someone just entering this phase, I have a lot of stuff on my mind.  And with the exception of my husband, I don't want to talk about all this stuff with many people.  But I am a talker.  And a planner.  And a bit if an obsesser.  So here we are.  A safe place for me to talk about worries, questions, problems, excitements, all the emotions that come with having the baby talk.

This is also a safe place for me to post all of my ideas and Pins (of course I am on Pinterest!) and all things cute baby related that I don't want other people to hear about.  If you do happen to find this blog, I hope you enjoy what you read.  Please feel free to comment--since I don't know you, it doesn't matter if you know about my forays into the world of babies!  And feel free to let me know if you are thinking/feeling some of the same things, it's always nice to have a little bit of company on some of these crazy rides.  Let's buckle up!

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