
Thursday, December 20, 2012

25 Days of Christmas

This is one of those brilliant ideas I never would have had without Pinterest.  I have seen a couple of different versions of this idea, for all different holidays and I decided this year to try it out.  Instead of giving Mr. B one Christmas present, I have been giving him a bunch of little ones, one for each day of the month of December.  Some of the days are small things, like cleaning up after the dog, or doing the laundry.  Others are bigger things like date night at our favorite restaurant.  This took a fair amount of planning, as we both have pretty busy schedules, especially this month.  I sat down with Mr. B at the beginning of the month and found out his schedule and then planned our days around that.  I made sure our date nights or other activities were on days he had free and days he had plans, I did something that I could do for him without him being there.  Once I had my list of days I wrote out the numbers on the front of black cardstock using gold and white paint pens.  On the back of the card I wrote out what his gift for that day was.

Then I made this cute little title card.

Then I hung them all up in our dining room...

So far, he has been having a blast and we have had fun with our date activities.  I think I might do this every year!

1 comment:

  1. This is the cutest thing ever! I love this idea and you have executed it in the sweetest, cutest way! So so great. I'm sure Matt is loving it.
    Tis the season of giving and you're doing it in such a loving way.
