Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Craft Organization

One of my main challenges in getting organized has always been my craft supplies.  In our two bedroom (plus closet-sized office space) home, I have never had a place that I can comfortably sit and do my crafts, which means I end up using the dining room table as my office.  Which works fine as a space, but means that I tend to leave supplies and crafts-in-progress all over the place and it gets annoying.  The solution was to create storage space in the dining room, which we did with the use of this hand-painted buffet/bookcase combo:

(Sorry about the crappy photos.  Cloudy weather=no natural light=yucky pics.)

The buffet portion of the unit offers lots of hidden storage options.  The drawers and cabinets hold everything from sponge brushes to felt to plain onesies and tote bags.  The bookcase portion required a little more finesse as it can be seen.  The top shelf holds two baskets, which contain all kinds of supplies:

And I used this clear vase to store my pretty washi tape rolls:

I use this decorative storage box (from Ikea) to hold my fabric paints:

On  the bottom shelf of the bookcase and the two shelves of the buffet, I have baskets to hold the supplies for crafts I am currently working on.  I can stash unfinished projects in there until I am ready to work on them again.

I still sometimes have my projects left on the dining room table, but it is much easier to keep everything clean and organized with this extra storage.  Plus, it is pretty and fun to look at!

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